Lara Jess Product Photography SB Forest
Lara Jess Product Photography SB
Lara Jess Product Photography SS
TakkleBerry Product Photography Cape Town
Louis & Goat Product Photography Cape Town

Welcome to Lara.Jess Photography

My love of clean solid backgrounds means my favourite photographs champion one or two colours. The result: vibrant but soft images that lead the eye to the hero of the shot, whether that be a silhouette in a cool blue rock pool or a couple thrown against a mosaic of flickering lights. As a Cape Town wedding photographer, I have landed with my bum squarely in the butter. Why? Where do I start…

Winter sunsets that leave filters questioning their existence; fields that switch between extravagantly yellow canola and gladiator-inspired wheat; mountains that decorate themselves in the boldest flower ever invented (King Proteas); wine, um, I mean wine farms; beach sand that reflects thousands of gold bokeh (those oh-so-pretty circles of light)… I could go on and on but then I wouldn’t have enough space to state the cardinal aim of my photography: celebrating you (whether that be for your engagement, wedding, pregnancy or just because) against the backdrop of this exquisite country of ours.

That may sound like a simple task but doing both justice requires time and effort (and golden hour wouldn’t hurt). Sound good? Good. Apparently for us to find each other, I need to write the words Cape Town photographer one more time (don’t tell Google). Since you’re reading this, that sneaky ploy must have worked. Wonderful! Now all that stands between you and I going on a photo adventure together is an email. Go on now, send one – those fields, beaches, vineyards and mountains aren’t going to take pictures of themselves… Read More

Lara Jess Product Photography SB kettle
Lara Jess Product Photography SS3

Cape Town Product + Lifestyle Photographer

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